by Gwen Elwood.

When my sister broke her leg,
She cried and cried for hours.
She stayed in bed, then cheered up
When all her friends brought flowers.

And now she sits in bed and smiles,
And munches on her candy
That all her classmates brought for her--
She feels popular and dandy!

And when my brother was not picked
As his softball team's catcher,
He learned to play shortstop instead,
And now he likes it better!

And when the weather turned real bad,
And ruined plans we made,
We held our picnic inside instead,
And we all stayed and played!

Very often things don't work
The way we want them to.
But usually with each bad news
There's something else to do!

So even though things can go wrong,
I still feel good inside.
Because I know for each dark thing
There is a brighter side.

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Copyright 1996 Rebecca Eisenberg mars@bossanova.com. All rights reserved.