Rebecca's REVENGE | ReadMeReadMe! | Rants | TheRebeccaFAQ

The girl with the most cake ...

  • I am an Aries, so I am ruled by Mars. My rising sign is also Aries and my moon sign is Libra.
    As a double fire sign, i am active, dynamic, mobile and assertive, and i live a "charmed life." as a triple cardinal sign, i am "full of primal energy."
    In other words, I am Practically Perfect. at any rate, i make a fine cactus.

  • Here are some of my buds (lotsa pictures here ... maybe go get a snack while it's loading .... )
  • i have started to make a lot of friends with their own home pages!
  • Here are some boy and girl babes I adore.....
  • I love Court and her band too!
  • I love Drew! ( This Drew too!)
  • Liz, Kim and Bjork rock my world ... I get all my records here, of course ....

Rebecca's REVENGE | ReadMeReadMe! | Rants | TheRebeccaFAQ

Copyright 1995, 1996 Rebecca Eisenberg