Solstice Rant

Updated December 21, 1995 by Rebecca L. Eisenberg

Hello, and welcome to Rebecca's Rants, Volume IV! Tired of having to hear ordinary opinions on events? Then you've come to the right place! With Rebecca's Rants, you can hear mine! The following points of view are mine and mine alone. If you care to respond, you may do so by writing to, and maybe I will even post my response to you here!

This Week's Rant: Solstice Rant; AKA SEASONAL SOLSTICE CELEBRATORY SALUTATIONS, AKA More Recycled E-Mails, But, Hey, When I'm Hot, I'm Hot. seasons greetings (aka electronic holiday card) from the winter witch who whisked off from wisconsin!

For you, a chant.

I. incantation to the muses ...

mirror, mirror on the wall,
who has the longest internet mailing list of all?
but, `tis this season of the card-sending disease,
and, like the lorax, i love to save trees.

(and this is not some silly chain-letter ...
i wrote it myself ..., & you should know better
than sending it to folks i don't know or like,
at the risk of witch casts and faerie bites!)
(and i don't mean to be so trite
by stamping this with my copyright,
but i'd hate this note to go astray
and accidentally ruin someone *else's* day!)

II. chant ...

i thought that i would use the seasonal occasion
to divert y'all from your vacation,
and consulted my favorite oracles on wicca
in order to share this religious fest with ya.

TODAY, december twenty-first,
is solstice on sky, sea, fire and earth.
the longest nite, the shortest day
is such a bitchin' witchin' holiday!

this dawn, the sun re-enters capricorn,
and what was dead is now reborn.
we chant, and sing, and dance all night
to ease the birth of more sunlight.

from here on in, the day will grow
and slowly melt the falling snow.
(more slowly in some places than in others,
but eventually newborn SUNS are kind to mothers)
(but in this tradition, as in all they oughtta,
Night is the mother, the sun, her daughter.)

THUS, we search inside and embrace our dark,
that allows illumination to stand apart.
we fear not, then, the gloomy past,
but instead take this time as our repast.

solstice is a time of self reflection,
and of singing in tingey-toned inflection.
a reconciliation with the hardship we coped,
to emerge into the future with reborn hope.

part of this is forgiving grudges
that weighed on us and served as crutches.
we thus clear space by making room,
for nature --hating emptiness -- to fill anew.

today, for what the past has taken tolls,
we heal with contemplation of our souls.
we think aloud, we write in verse,
we dream of a life that is not rehearsed.

a witch will scrawl in her diary
in order to confront the hot and firey
anger, that is purged at dawn
in order for clean slates to spawn.

it is a time for incantation
to divine forces to bring us new elation.
that's why a proper witch will dance and sing all night,
until she greets the morning bright.

STILL, she will take brief sabbaticals from company,
and return, in dance and song and glee,
having taking a small time out
to rain upon internal draught.
(ha! i say this to you though you know well
that i type, not dance, this solstice spell!)

it also is recognized that burning white wax,
is good for spirit, and mind of pax.
we look behind us, through our legs,
and rise again without our pegs.

(okay, i know it sounds like i'm a kook,
but i swear, i adopted this from a book!!)

AND best to do, i'll have you know,
is dancing with one's own shadow.
in that way, we cultivate
our light and make the dark abate.

with this said, as you would reason,
solstice is a very special time of season.

and just to let you know i care,
i wrote this chant and with you share
my warmest hopes for *your* new age,
and for a gentle turn of page.

III. epilogue ...

again, i apolgize for my long drone!
i won't be offended if this chant found its home
in the trash, where it belongs,
like all of my eccentric songs ....

but since i still have little social life to distract me
and no romantic prospects that would impact me,
i can compose these witchy poems
that somehow grow to raving tomes ...

(although i do kinda wonder
if this is the religious enlightenment many of you thought
i would eventually encounter)

so, SOLTICE GREETINGS! and holiday cheer,..
and to those who care, a merry new year!

your friend in RL (for most) on OL (like a few)
rebecca lynn eisenberg.

IV. spell

p.s. ....
with that being said, i'd like to mention,
that my home page is crying for your attention.
if you haven't visited lately, you didn't see
the NEW expanded homage to me, me, me!

i've posted the GQ picture, as was requested and planned
plus the ABBA autographs are halfway scanned ...
and within a week, if a guess i can dare,
will be posted the "retrospective on hair."

(and as you know i love feedback and mail
but only if they tell me that i did not fail
in establishing myself as far and above
the most screwed-up, wacked-out ex-lawyer you know and (maybe, *sigh*) love.)

off on her brrrrrrrrrrroomstick into the new dawn,
still in houston, for now,
(or whatever the hell you call me)

If you would like to respond to Rebecca's Rants, you may do so by writing to Please indicate if you would like a response, and if you would like your comment posted. (I offer no guarantee that I will or will not post here .... )

To read last month's Rant, , aka What I Really Think of One of My Former Bosses , click here.


Rant On, Rebecca!


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Copyright 1995 Rebecca Eisenberg