Revenge is Sweet!

Text Index


New! Search the site (also includes my columns for the Examiner).

Read Me

Formerly daily; now semi-daily or weekly or so observations on life, love, culture, media, pain, beauty, good versus evil, or What I Did Today.

Rebecca's Writings

Clips; things I have published in magazines. academic journals, newspapers, zines, or elsewhere.


Where I have been making media appearances, and what people are saying about me.

Rebecca FAQ

Here I try to answer the questions with which you bother me the most, including why I did not write back; whether my hair is naturally this color, why I do not believe in marriage, and how you can give me money.

Rebecca's Resume

This one is pretty self-explanatory.


Instructions on how to join my groovy mailing list.

feel free to send me money

How to send me money. Go for it. Redistribute the wealth.

YO! Rebecca Rants

Some longer essays and nightmare hippy poetry songs that deal with, usually, one topic at a time, and that explain some of the major traumas in my life that Made Me This Way.


A collection of some of my reviews of people, movies, music, books, culture, what I love and what I hate, or whatever else I feel like reviewing.

Rebecca Revealed

Personal information about me that is pretty outdated, and about which I don't care very much (but somehow you seem to).


The short and put-up-painfully-long-ago story of why I bother doing this, and from where I and this page found our names.

Read About Rebecca

A famously outdated group of pages that talk back to people who have mentioned me in books and magazines, and a couple of things that I did that I used to think made me pretty damn cool.

Remembering Yale

An On-Line Memorial to a best friend who passed away at age 27.

Meet Gwen: The Nice Girl

The beginnings of what will be, hopefully, a collection of Gwen Nice Girl writings. For now, Gwen has put up her children's book: From a Tree's Point of View.

Beck Lyrics and Beck information

Some information on the artist that I put in my directory as a favor to someone else. Please do not compliment me on the grahpics or the quality of the information; he is responsible for it all; not I. So please don't tell me that the tab links are broken. I know already.

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Copyright 1995, 1996 Rebecca Eisenberg All rights reserved.