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pixels, motion, and scripting
david van brink // Sun 2008.09.14 22:07 // {after effects}

tv static

Sometimes you just have to take joy from trivia. Here’s a little tv-static animated GIF I made, for use with a WordPress plugin.

Feel free to steal and use this gif.

It’s only 6 frames, 128×128, 18k.
It is tileable, and looks pretty good, large!

Here’s the after effects project for it.

It’s just Noise, Fast Blur, Curves, and Offset. The Offset filter is used to reduce the visibility of the seams, by mixing two layers.

I guess that’s all.

rich // Tue 2008.09.23 23:4311:43 pm

Do you have a version where you can’t see the seams?


david van brink // Wed 2008.09.24 08:128:12 am

Hi Rich —
Well… yes… on this version *I* can’t see the seams. Well hmm. Now that I’m all looking harder for it, I kind-of can.

Grab the project file and give it a go!

–> david

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