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pixels, motion, and scripting
david van brink // Wed 2011.12.28 19:16 // {after effects}

AE: Omino Python, All Free

The Mac OS X version of Omino Python has been updated. An installer for it — and all my other After Effects plug-ins are in the downloads section here.

For anyone just tuning in, Omino Python is an After Effects plug-in that lets you write scripts to draw into a layer of an After Effects composition. It’s a lot like writing BASIC on your old Apple ][.

Changes to the plug-in are primarily:

  • Fixed a sporadic crash that could happen during text rendering.
  • No longer install any files in /opt/local or /usr/local. All gone.
  • Completely unlocked (no license needed for full use). Enjoy!

Here’s a frame from one of the example animations. This is a couple of for-loops in action.

And here’s the animation it came from.

And here’s the python source code.

ChrisG // Sun 2012.01.29 19:327:32 pm

Hi. Been a long time since I started messing around with this plugin (and then left it alone because I had other things to deal with). Well, now I’m back on it. And I have found some really interesting things. However, I’m wondering if you are ever going to be able to add the feature of getting something OUT of the plugin — a property that can be used in an expression but goes in the opposite direction of what exists now. In other words, something that changes by the py script, but is updated by the script as a property (as opposed to the other way around, which is how all the props work now). Is this possible? Just putting one “out” integer property would be AWESOME. Thanks in advance for any response (and thanks again for the cool plugin).

david van brink // Sun 2012.01.29 20:018:01 pm

Hi Chris —
There is a way! It’s a bit strange but will work. Render out a square of some color made of values R, G, B, say at (0,0,10,10). Then in an expression, use layer.sampleImage, to read it back. Something like sampleImage([5,5], radius = [.5, .5], postEffect=true, t=time).

You can use as many color-regions as desired to pass more value triplets out. (And probably want to clip your work so these “utility areas” aren’t on the final tape…)

ChrisG // Sun 2012.01.29 20:068:06 pm

Haha. I’ve already done that. I’d like less of a kludge.

ChrisG // Sun 2012.01.29 20:158:15 pm

Sorry. Should’ve made mention of that in my original comment. But is it possible to add that to the plugin?

ChrisG // Sun 2012.01.29 20:168:16 pm

Oh, and while I’m here … what is the correct syntax to set_hint_metrics?

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