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entries for category "after effects"
david van brink // Thu 2008.01.17 00:37 // {after effects}

Puppet Tool versus Motion Blur

The puppet tool (in After Effects CS3) sure is neat. Like “bones” — common in many 3d programs — for 2d images. Great for expressive animation. Morphy!

And motion blur is one of my favorite flavors of ketchup. Up there with drop shadows and glow.

But yee, put them together and After Effects renders most terrible slow. My puppeted comp renders about 5 frames per second without motion blur, and about 5 seconds per frame with motion blur. So, say, a factor of 25 slower.

I wish I was posting something fun and exotic about scripts or halftoning or clever optical effects… but right now the issue of “render time” is using up all of my AE angst. But soon!

Jonas Hummelstrand // Sun 2008.03.9 15:453:45 pm

Try CC Force Motionblur

david van brink // Sun 2008.03.9 23:2911:29 pm

Thanks for that pointer! I was unaware of that filter.

It does look very handy for adding subsample blur to *any* process on a compoosition… very interesting!

I’ll try it out to see if it’s any faster than built-in motion blur, for the puppet tool in particular…

oh, i dont know. what do you think?

david van brink // Thu 2008.01.10 23:30 // {after effects}

Particles Versus Multiprocessing

Executive summary: if you’re rendering a comp with particles, sometimes turning off “Render Multiple Frames Simultaneously” in Preferences:Multiprocessing can improve render speed bloody significantly. In my case, it went from 54 hours (or longer) to 4.


oh, i dont know. what do you think?

david van brink // Wed 2007.12.26 12:48 // {after effects}

Swarm of Swarms

I saw the new movie of The Golden Compass a few days ago. I quite liked it. It suffered perhaps from squeezing almost every event from the book into the movie, without managing to transparently convey the layers and depth of Lyra’s self-discovery. But it gave awesome brass-gear-and-Zeppelin fetish work, so it all evens out.

One of the recurring ideas in the story is that everything is made of dust. Or Dust. All we are, you know, is dust in the (transdimensional) wind. And so on. So there were a lot of really nice sparkly particle effects. In a major production, I gather that you pull off this sort of effect with a lot of work: hand-written code, top-quality (expensive) plugins, and iterations with an art director who actually knows what looks good.

But I was curious how to pull off a rinky-dink imitation in a half hour with stock After Effects and no artistic guidance to speak of. One challenge of particle effects is their render time, especially if the particles interact. The approach I took was to have one particle layer with just a few particles, less than 100, which interact and repel each other, to “swarm”. Then add a second level of particle emission which uses the first layer as its “particle”. Particles squared, a swarm of swarms.

The result was ok. Some repetition is visible, and with a few more hours could be tweaked to look nicer. More colors and glinting, perhaps. Meanwhile, here’s the quickie.

glennser // Fri 2008.02.1 19:247:24 pm

I was working on a job recently and we were able to get very close to the effect using Trapcode Form, I know you wanted to use stock AE and I admire that but this plugin get’s really close, there’s a preset for text turning to dust and all you need to do is tint it. Send me an email and I’ll give you a head’s up on where we used it so you can check it out.

oh, i dont know. what do you think?

david van brink // Mon 2007.12.24 02:23 // {after effects}

Time Halftone

After Effects’ “Time Displacement” effect provides yet another way to perform halftoning.

John Thompson // Mon 2008.12.8 06:566:56 am

Hi, I’m putting together a book about Star Trek, and I thought it would be kind of fun to include your first on this page, halftone of Spock.
Might I have unrestricted permission to use it in my book?

Thanks a lot, John Thompson
PS–Might you have, or wish to include one of the Enterprise too??

david van brink // Mon 2008.12.8 08:328:32 am

Absolutely! I just sent you an email.

oh, i dont know. what do you think?

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