READ ME ... yeah, right. Right?

I'm sick of everyone else having on-line diaries. I want one too.

What is this all about? Maybe you should read the READ ME READ ME.

january 21, 1996: thinking is a bad habit

although i receive a fair amount of positive feedback on my pages, it is not inaccurate to say that i also receive a fair amount of hate mail. because i am insecure, it is the hate mail rather than the fan mail that leaves the greatest impression on my mind.

most of the negative feedback involves a certain theme: aren't i being completely self-absorbed by writing only about myself on my pages?

to be honest, the concept tortures me. here is my response.

not to say that i am an artist or anything, but is any time an artist creates a graphic, or a musician writes a song, or a director films a movie, an act of self-absorption? is it possible to be creative on any personal level without communicating one's own personal feelings about an issue? is it not fair to say that every arist, is, by definition, self-absorbed?

does that reduce the value of art to society?

because my parents have such a deep love for the arts, i grew up on a daily fare of music, performance, poetry and theater. even though i grew up in (beloved) milwaukee, i had seen at least 25 shows on broadway by the time i was age 18. although some of these plays left a more lasting impression on my mind than did others, one line from one show has been bouncing around like a little rubber ball for what seems like over a decade.

the show was "sunday in the park with george," about george serault, who contributed the art of pointilism to the world of painting.

the line was: when you die, there are only two things you can leave behind in order to contribute to society: children and art.

children and art, children and art, childrenandart.

one of my newest favorite web-authors, patrick farley wrote on october 3, 1995 that he believes that "everybody already is and artist; most ... just don't care to admit it."

after reading a lot of home pages that are not patrick's, i am not as convinced as he is that everyone is an artist. nonetheless, he does make a good point.

if patrick is right, and if art truly is a contribution, then perhaps it is fair to say that dedicating one's life to art, even if the means of art is so-called self-absorbed self expression, is not a completely selfish act because it furthers society.

not like this is art or anything.

but patrick's page is. and when you are there, tell him that i am not purely hedonistic ... rather, i am just a poor hedonistic wanna-be artist.





or, if you must, back to Rebecca's Revenge

Copyright 1996 Rebecca Eisenberg