READ ME ... yeah, right. Right?

I'm sick of everyone else having on-line diaries. I want one too.

What is this all about? Maybe you should read the READ ME READ ME.

may 3, 1996: my hair

i am getting a lot of questions.

got one?

from dan:

Dear Rebecca,

I'm thinking about moving closer to where I work, and I'm trying to decide between renting and buying. What I pay in rent would be able to cover house payments, but there are so many other expenses. Such as property tax and maintenance. The biggest concern I have, though, is getting stuck here in Dayton, OH. It's not that I don't want to live here. It's more that I might want to live somewhere else in a coulple years. On the other hand I like the idea of having my own house and not having to worry about what a landlord would say if I wanted to change something. Like putting in another phone or cable hookup or getting a big dog or maybe even two. I would also be getting something for my money and not just a temporary place to live.

Well I hope I didn't put you to sleep. If you have some time tell me what you think. No, I'm not going to make a decision based on what you say. I just thought hearing from someone about my same age, situation, etc. might be nice. I'll check your page next week to see if my letter merited a response. Thanks.


dear dan:

i will respond to this after i write about my hair.



i am having a hair crisis

one of the downsides of doing work for a cutting-edge internet start-up(tm) is that i am surrounded by so many people who have such good hair. at cyborganic, bryna has perfect fuscia hair; sonic has purple hair; panic has purple and brown hair; jonathan and tricia have lots of curly hair; allison has four feet of brown hair that hangs down to her butt and even, in addition to that, a beautiful blonde wig; and scooter has no hair at all.

it looks cool! i want in on this cool hair thing.

i have been bleaching my hair since about age 11. i went through a short phase of brown when i was serious about being a serious lawyer, and i paid loads of cash to have my hair dyed platinum once, but i can't afford to pay that again. my hair has been pretty sucky and boring over the last six months.

so, the day before yesterday, i bought what i thought were all of the materials to dye my hair platinum blonde once again (i cannot see myself in pink or purple), but discovered shortly into the process of applying multiple coats of mysterious liquids that need to be combined in strange manners, that i was missing one of the key ingredients. so thursday night, when i went to TND, my hair was stuck in a very in-between colors light orange state. i was pretty self conscious about it.

of course, i felt pretty self conscious about many things that night. the theme of the dinner was "the rocky horror picture show," so -- since i am so loyal to this thursday nite potluck food and booze nite tradition -- i dressed in sheer-ish black tops, my fishnet stockings, and pumps. why do i do this to myself? i received three remarks that could almost be construed as requests for solicitation on the one block walk over to cyborganic from my apartment one block away.

anyway, as i was saying, my hair sucked and i looked silly.

after a night of drinking too much cheap wine, and being a very unsuccessful self-conscious flirt, i returned home to fix the situation.

i stuck my favorite judy garland cds in the stereo, and finished up the hair dying process to the best of my ability, which, i discovered, is not too noteworthy. as i type, my hair is now a shade of white/silver/blue.

i am not destined to like my hair.





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Copyright 1996 Rebecca Eisenberg