READ ME ... yeah, right. Right?

I'm sick of everyone else having on-line diaries. I want one too.

What is this all about? Maybe you should read the READ ME READ ME.

august 6, 1996: to hell and back


oh, please excuse my grave omission!
for a while i was out of commission.

i flew to milwaukee, hung with the folks,
and with my sister cracked sarcastic jokes.

although a party was the plan for the trip,
turns out my grandmother is sick.

my heart is sad, my brain feels sore,
i could not miss her any more.

so for some time, i left my pad
and searched for ways to feel not bad.

but leaving's worse, and now i'll stay,
and try to update this (almost) every day.

but in the meanwhile, please do check out
the irksomeness of going out,

and on the clips page are things new,
like a prince's rock cd review.

At the Airport

The airport is a unique place. You can see some of the most happy sad confused scared tired excited people in such close proximity.

It is one of the most non-segregated places I can think of as well. Women with babies, men with grandfathers. Black, Latino, Asian-American, lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders, stinky, clean, yuppie, poorly dressed, beautiful, ugly, obese, anorexic, stuffy, friendly, complacent, clueless, all forced to be so close to one another.

No wonder so many people hate to fly.





or, if you must, back to Rebecca's Revenge

Copyright 1996 Rebecca Eisenberg All rights Reserved.