READ ME ... yeah, right. Right?

I'm sick of everyone else having on-line diaries. I want one too.

What is this all about? Maybe you should read the READ ME READ ME.

october 23, 1996: truth

Jane, Jane stop this crazy thing.

In case you were wondering, the Luscious Jackson Mediacast Live Netcast went smoothly, I guess.

I even was able to interview the cute band.

And I was called a textress.

Of course, you may prefer to read about it in Addicted to Noise's Mu sic News of the World section.

Please read to the end.

Don't worry. I am even more narcissistic these days.

But what can I do?

I suck.

I won a trip to Hawaii, and I hope to take it alone.

Why can't I bring myself actually to pitch stories anymore?

Salvo is dying.

I hate my writing these days.

The answer?




There are more.

I lied.

A bigger social welfare state would free us to have a smaller police state.

Burning the Man in the middle of the day would allow the photographers to get a better shot.

People think in categories.

Ralph Nader is not really radical.

Michael Moore had something to say: "Buy my book."

Way new racism! Way new sexism! Way new classism!

Emotional investments can be liquidated like capital.

There is no difference between selfishness and generosity.

My cat is part dog.

Email can be sexy.

The request is for negotiation.

Theater is the true multimedia.

Chupa Cabras lives.

Didn't Safeway give away free donuts at 11 PM at one time?

Humor is truth.

Everything is a work in progress.

If you won the lottery, would you quit your job?

What if you had no job?

To the extent that foetuses have rights, when those rights conflict with the mother's rights to bodily integrity and self-determination, the mother's rights win.

<*rebeca*> but do you view me as a hedonist?
<*poly*> Once you find a way to be happy more of the time, ya.

h e l p.

I am even more broke. Feel free to join rebecalist. You've already seen this, so now check out this and th is.





or, if you must, back to Rebecca's Revenge

Copyright 1996 Rebecca Eisenberg All rights Reserved.