What is this all about? Maybe you should read the READ ME READ ME.
As a corollary, I have recently discovered the palid joy of spending too
many hours in the not-too-animated world of CU-SeeMe, where college kids
and software developers log onto reflectors to interact with bite size
windows of each other and type into chat windows, rather than meet random
strangers at the neighborhood bar or late-night bookstore. I even, last
week, tested out a new videophone technology where I logged into a server
and connected with a straight couple in Southern California who obligingly
engaged in all sorts of sex acts for my viewing pleasure from 500 miles
away. (Whether I engaged in any sex acts back to them is, and shall
remain, Classified Information.) It was cool - everyone got off! - and I'm
still in search of downside.
But on Thursday, something odd happened. At the last minute I was
recruited to play the role of a technology-savvy Icon in a
soon-to-be-released CD-ROM that instructs new computer users on the joys of
the Internet and other applied computer technology. I sat in a chair, with
bright lights beaming on me for six hours, as I cheerfully chirped lines to
the tune of "I love my avatar - it attracts all the most interesting people
in any chat group I enter. See you in Cyberspace, Baby!" In the course of
one morning, I was transformed into a human animated Icon, with little
resemblance to how -I- would act in a similar situation. No computer could
simulate the Icon that I was hired to be -- at least in the
only-too-imprecise manner that I was destined to present it.
Humans are unpredictable and silly. They make mistakes and they break down
into fits in front of world audiences. They may not play the best game of
chess, but I am liking them more and more, lately.
or, if you must,
back to Rebecca's Revenge
Copyright 1996, 1997 Rebecca L. Eisenberg All rights
the flesh factor
I understand that when Deep Blue beat Kasporov in chess, it was not just a
'computer' that won, but rather, the work of thousands of programmers
acting jointly to create a complex product of artificial intelligence. But
I still stifled the rush of joy in my ordinarily neo-Luddite heart to
watch the conceited man fall apart in terror at his loss. A computer can
play chess better than any human, the headlines celebrated. What else can
a computer do better than any human? Most things, it seemed to me.
Push Me Pull You!
free the world
joinIN (if you dare)
happy mother's day, mom