What is this all about? Maybe you should read the READ ME READ ME.
I'm taking off again!
Remember last year?
My mother turns 60 on Sunday, and I will be at Burning Man at that time. This is a
significant birthday for the two of us because in April, when I turn 30,
she will be twice my age, numerically speaking at least. It is strange
and fascinating for me to think about my mother at my age -- pregnant with
her third child, raising a 6 year old and a 5 year old, married to a lawyer
-- these are things I neither want nor have right now. Instead, I am a
lawyer, and in the desert, looking around at the enormity of the world that
surrounds me.
She's probably not jealous -- but maybe she is. I know that she doesn't
judge me. And -- trust me -- I appreciate that.
Over the past several months, I have become friends with a number of
27-year-olds, who were all, perhaps not coincidentally, reaching a point in
their lives where they decided that they had to change course. (Some call
this the Saturn return.) Change can be painful, and it is nice to have
someone there when you go through it, I guess. Sometimes they expressed
regret or shame that they were not in a point in their lives where their
parents were at that age. (They said these things to me, even though I too
have nothing in common with my parents at my age, and I am almost three
years older.) I don't feel that kind of regret or shame. I am okay where
I am now, and optimistic about where I am going.
Last year at this time, I was confused, angry; I felt ripped off, out of
control of my life. I don't feel that this year. To the extent that I
could take control of my life, I have. To the extent that I was ripped
off, I am now taking care of my own affairs. I don't even feel like the
same person, in some ways.
I can only imagine what I'll feel, then, when I'm 60. If I am
one-hundredth as generous, respected and as cherished as my mother is, I
will have lived a life that has been fulfilling and honorable. I look
forward to being almost 60, toasting to my mother at age 90.
Happy Birthday, Mom!
or, if you must,
back to Rebecca's Revenge
Copyright 1996, 1997 Rebecca L. Eisenberg All rights
there is a season
(I wrote this for
I love you.
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