What is this all about? Maybe you should read the READ ME READ ME.
I don't believe in Thanksgiving. It is a racist holiday.
But I can still be thank-full.
And for laughter, the rain, the beach, the sun, hot
baths, and that pink rubber ball on my floor.
or, if you must,
back to Rebecca's Revenge
Copyright 1996, 1997 Rebecca L. Eisenberg All rights
thanksgiving, again.
Senate Floors Laptop Debate.
Why do some people have to rain on every parade?
I'm thankful for my
unbelievably wonderful family - my parents, whose support, generosity and
understanding seem to know no bounds, my sister and brother, who would do
anything for me, and me for them, my grandmother, who is the strongest and
smartest person I know, for my closest friends, who have stood by
me and cheered for me, and held my hand when I was sad for no reason (and
for reason as well), for my rabbit and cat (and those who helped with my
cat earlier this year), for second chances, for optimism, for idealism,
for luck for improving, for dreams for coming true, for california being
my home, for being able to see the bright side, and for believing in
another day, because it always comes, and for being unapologetically
corny sometimes.
Girls Need Math!
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