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pixels, motion, and scripting
david van brink // Sat 2012.09.22 00:10 // {after effects}

AE: omino_python Updated!

Omino Plug-in Suite has been updated!

Most importantly… it installs correctly for AE CS6. (*yawn*. Sorry for the delay.)

Put most excitingly, scripts for omino_python now let you name the parameters. Earlier versions just named parameters like “float 0” and “color 2”. Now, each script can define the names of the parameters it uses.


Which is a bit overwhelming. Most of those parameters don’t do anything.

But now, by including a second callback ompy_params(d), you can show only the parameters you use, named as you like:

def ompy_main(c):
    ctx = c.layer_out_context
    ctx.set_source_rgb(c.colors[0].r, c.colors[0].g, c.colors[0].b)
    ctx.move_to(c.points[0].x, c.points[0].y)
    ctx.rotate(c.floats[1] / 57.29577951)

def ompy_params(d):
    d.floatDescs[0].name = "font size"
    d.floatDescs[1].name = "rotation"
    d.floatDescs[2].name = "value to print"
    d.pointDescs[0].name = "print position"
    d.colorDescs[0].name = "print color"


Download the Omino Plug-in Suite (for Mac OS X only, alas) absolutely free at Omino.

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